Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Moaning about shackles?

When Oneness is making itself felt within a human story,  
it is often in the guise of a calamity:
an accident,  
a severe disease, 
the loss of a dear one,
depressions which sends us into the pitts,
being laid off work.

And all this coming out of nowhere.
Appearing suddenly.
Ripping apart the well manicured borders
of our existence.

Suddenly confronted with the unknown,
the emptiness,
the depth of the abyss.
And the agonizing knowledge that nothing in
our education, upbringing,  in fact nothing
in our lives has prepared us for this.

Where to turn,
how to manage, control 
this onslaught of debilitating 
and terrifying energies and

Emptiness, This aware and intelligent presence
shakes itself just a bit to free itself of some of 
the shackles which have covered up its existence.
As on a chess board, eliminate a few of the
personas we have identified with over the years;
the able bodied provider,
the worker,
the good house wife,
in order to make room 
for recognition to take place.

And yes this might feel painful and hurting
in the beginning,  like loosing a skin,
and having to confront life in a vulnrable
and raw manner.

But heeyy why not look around in this unfamiliar space. 
Look emptiness right in the face. 
And we might find that suddenly we 
are at home just then and there.

Who will moan about the shackles 
leaving them behind, when 
stepping through the prison door
to freedom??.


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